Small Groups

Sunday-School_tSunday School at 9:00 a.m.

Seekers Class: Meets in the Archive Room
Join us as we study the Bible together.

KIVA Class Meets in the Parlor.
This class invites speakers to come and share with us about how we can make a Christian difference in the world.  

Youth Sunday School Class Meets downstairs in the youth room.
Join us for a fun filled lesson that will help you grow in your faith. This class is for students 6th grade through 12th grade.

Children’s Sunday School Class Meets upstairs in room 202.
Our children will learn about Jesus through Bible stories, activities, crafts, and more.  This class includes 3 year olds through 5th grade students.


Weekly Small GroupsChancel Choir – Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.
Leader: Michael Wylder. Join us every Wednesday as we bring the offerings of vocal music to worship God.

